Lee, W. F., A. Sojourner, E. Davis, & J. Borowsky (2025) Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets. Journal of Human Capital. 19(1)
Working Papers Summaries
Gulamhussein, Q. U. A., Susman-Stillman, A., Zhou, X., Addo, A., Ahmed, F., Flynn, P. M., Gunnar, M. R., Okoro, O., Olson D., Osman, M., Riggs, S. M., Sojourner, A., Walker, S. K., & Lee, R. M. (2024). Feasibility Study of a Mobile Health Parenting Intervention Among Somali/Somali Americans From Refugee Families in the United States. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. Special Issue: Racial Health Inequities in BIPOC Communities, 1-30
Golberstein, E., I. Zainullina, A. Sojourner & M. Sanders (2024) Effects of School-Based Mental Health Services on Youth Outcomes. Journal of Human Resources, 59(S), S256-S281
Press Mentions
Sockin, J. & A. Sojourner (2023) What's the Inside Scoop? Challenges in the Supply and Demand for Information about Job Attributes. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(4)
Working Papers Press Mentions
Goda, G. M. Levy, C. F. Manchester, A. Sojourner, J. Tasoff, & J. Xiao (2023) Are retirement planning tools substitutes or complements to financial capability? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 214: 561-573
Working Papers Press Mentions
McDevitt, R. & A. Sojourner (2023) The Need for Speed: Demand, Regulation, and Welfare on the Margin of Alternative Financial Services. Review of Economics and Statistics.
Qiu, Y. & A. Sojourner (2023) Labor-Market Concentration and Labor Compensation, ILR Review. 76(3): 475–503. Replication package & concentration measures available here.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. & J. Yang (2022) Effects of Union Certification on Workplace-Safety Enforcement: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence. ILR Review. 75(2): 373-401.
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Hotz, J., C. Bollinger, T. Komarova, C. Manski, R. Moffitt, D. Nekipelov, A. Sojourner, & B. Spencer (2022) Balancing Data Privacy and Usability in the Federal Statistical System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(31).
---Letter to PNAS Editors with same co-authors: "The Key Role of Absolute Risk in the Disclosure Risk Assessment of Public Data Releases"
Flood, S., J. McMurray, A. Sojourner, & M. Wiswall (2022) Inequality in Early Care Experienced by U.S. Children. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 36(2): 199-222
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Larson, R., S. Shannon, A. Sojourner & C. Uggen (2021) Felony History and Change in U.S. Employment Rates. Social Science Research.
Press Mentions
Ruffini, K., A. Sojourner & A. Wozniak (2021) Who's in and who's out under workplace COVID symptom screening? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Greenwood, B., R. Hardeman, L. Huang, & A. Sojourner (2020) Physician-Patient Racial Concordance and Disparities in Birthing Mortality for Newborns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Benson, A., A. Sojourner, & A. Umyarov (2020) Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market. Management Science. 66(5):1802-1825
Working Papers Press Mentions
Goda, G., M. Levy, C. Manchester, A. Sojourner, & J. Tasoff (2020) Who Is a Passive Saver Under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 173: 301-321.
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Sajjadiani, S., A. Sojourner, J. Kammeyer-Mueller & E. Mykerezi (2019) Using Machine Learning to Translate Pre-Hire Work History into Predictors of Performance and Retention. Journal of Applied Psychology. 104(10):1207-1225.
[Slides] Press Mentions
Goda, G., M. Levy, C. Manchester, A. Sojourner, & J. Tasoff (2019) Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias. Economic Inquiry. 57(3): 1636-1658.
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Chaparro, J., A. Sojourner & N. Huey (2019) Differential effects from access to high-quality early care. In Sustaining Early Childhood Learning Gains. Editors: A. Reynolds & J. Temple. Cambridge Univ Press: Cambridge, U.K.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. & J. Pacas (2019) The relationship between union membership and net fiscal impact. Industrial Relations. 58(1): 86-107.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Davis, E., W. Lee & A. Sojourner (2019) Family-Centered Measures of Access to Early Care & Education. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 47: 472-486.
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Budd, J., A. Sojourner & J. Jung (2016) Are Voluntary Agreements Better? Evidence from Baseball Arbitration. ILR Review. 70(4): 865-893
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A., B. Frandsen, R. Town, D. Grabowski & M. Chen (2015) Impacts of Unionization on Quality and Productivity: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Nursing Homes. ILR Review. 68(4): 771-806. [Appendix]
Working Papers Press Mentions
Hart, C. & A. Sojourner (2015) Unionization and Productivity: Evidence from Charter Schools. Industrial Relations. 55(4): 422-448. Working paper version: IZA.
Press Mentions
Goda, G., C. Manchester & A. Sojourner (2014) What Will My Account Really Be Worth? Experimental Evidence on How Retirement Income Projections Affect Saving. Journal of Public Economics. 119: 80-92
Press Mentions
Sojourner, A., E. Mykerezi, & K. West. (2014) Teacher Pay Reform And Productivity: Panel Data Evidence from Adoptions of Q-Comp in Minnesota. Journal of Human Resources. 49(4): 945-981.
Press Mentions
Duncan G. & A. Sojourner. (2013) Can Intensive Early Childhood Intervention Programs Eliminate Income-based Cognitive and Achievement Gaps? Journal of Human Resources. 48(4): 945-968.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. (2013) Identification of Peer Effects with Missing Peer Data: Evidence from Project STAR. Economic Journal. 123(569): 574-605.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. (2013) Do Unions Promote Electoral Office-Holding? Evidence from Correlates of State Legislatures' Occupational Shares. Industrial & Labor Relations Review. 66(2).
Working Papers Summaries
Sojourner, A., D. C. Grabowski, M. Chen & R. J. Town. (2010) Trends in Unionization of Nursing Homes. Inquiry. 47: 331–342.
Press Mentions
Working Papers Summaries
Press Mentions
Gulamhussein, Q. U. A., Susman-Stillman, A., Zhou, X., Addo, A., Ahmed, F., Flynn, P. M., Gunnar, M. R., Okoro, O., Olson D., Osman, M., Riggs, S. M., Sojourner, A., Walker, S. K., & Lee, R. M. (2024). Feasibility Study of a Mobile Health Parenting Intervention Among Somali/Somali Americans From Refugee Families in the United States. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. Special Issue: Racial Health Inequities in BIPOC Communities, 1-30
Golberstein, E., I. Zainullina, A. Sojourner & M. Sanders (2024) Effects of School-Based Mental Health Services on Youth Outcomes. Journal of Human Resources, 59(S), S256-S281
- Upjohn-UMinnesota Policy Brief: School-Based Mental Health Services Can Increase Access to Care and Decrease Suicide Attempts
- Upjohn Employment Research Newsletter: School-Based Mental Health Services Can Increase Access to Care and Decrease Suicide Attempts
Sockin, J. & A. Sojourner (2023) What's the Inside Scoop? Challenges in the Supply and Demand for Information about Job Attributes. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(4)
Working Papers Press Mentions
Goda, G. M. Levy, C. F. Manchester, A. Sojourner, J. Tasoff, & J. Xiao (2023) Are retirement planning tools substitutes or complements to financial capability? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 214: 561-573
Working Papers Press Mentions
McDevitt, R. & A. Sojourner (2023) The Need for Speed: Demand, Regulation, and Welfare on the Margin of Alternative Financial Services. Review of Economics and Statistics.
Policy brief (3-pager)
Albany (N.Y.) Times-Union op-ed: Banks need to accelerate and improve payment systems
Press Mentions
Qiu, Y. & A. Sojourner (2023) Labor-Market Concentration and Labor Compensation, ILR Review. 76(3): 475–503. Replication package & concentration measures available here.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. & J. Yang (2022) Effects of Union Certification on Workplace-Safety Enforcement: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence. ILR Review. 75(2): 373-401.
Working Papers Summaries
- The Conversation: Unionized workers are more likely to assert their right to a safe and healthy workplace
- Also published in: Houston Chronicle
Hotz, J., C. Bollinger, T. Komarova, C. Manski, R. Moffitt, D. Nekipelov, A. Sojourner, & B. Spencer (2022) Balancing Data Privacy and Usability in the Federal Statistical System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(31).
---Letter to PNAS Editors with same co-authors: "The Key Role of Absolute Risk in the Disclosure Risk Assessment of Public Data Releases"
Flood, S., J. McMurray, A. Sojourner, & M. Wiswall (2022) Inequality in Early Care Experienced by U.S. Children. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 36(2): 199-222
Working Papers Summaries
- Economic Report of the President (2023) President's Council of Economic Advisers: p. 132 & 141
Larson, R., S. Shannon, A. Sojourner & C. Uggen (2021) Felony History and Change in U.S. Employment Rates. Social Science Research.
Press Mentions
Ruffini, K., A. Sojourner & A. Wozniak (2021) Who's in and who's out under workplace COVID symptom screening? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Working Papers Summaries
- Econofact: COVID Symptom Screening at the Workplace
Greenwood, B., R. Hardeman, L. Huang, & A. Sojourner (2020) Physician-Patient Racial Concordance and Disparities in Birthing Mortality for Newborns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Benson, A., A. Sojourner, & A. Umyarov (2020) Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market. Management Science. 66(5):1802-1825
Working Papers Press Mentions
Goda, G., M. Levy, C. Manchester, A. Sojourner, & J. Tasoff (2020) Who Is a Passive Saver Under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 173: 301-321.
Working Papers Summaries
- VoxEU: Auto-Enrollment Changes Who Is a Passive Saver
- TIAA Institute: Mechanisms Behind Retirement Saving Behavior. Paper & brief
- RRC brief: Do Defaults Have Spillover Effects?
Sajjadiani, S., A. Sojourner, J. Kammeyer-Mueller & E. Mykerezi (2019) Using Machine Learning to Translate Pre-Hire Work History into Predictors of Performance and Retention. Journal of Applied Psychology. 104(10):1207-1225.
[Slides] Press Mentions
Goda, G., M. Levy, C. Manchester, A. Sojourner, & J. Tasoff (2019) Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias. Economic Inquiry. 57(3): 1636-1658.
Working Papers Summaries
- 2015 NBER Retirement Research Consortium annual meeting brief and slides.
- Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Brief: The Role of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias in Retirement Savings
Chaparro, J., A. Sojourner & N. Huey (2019) Differential effects from access to high-quality early care. In Sustaining Early Childhood Learning Gains. Editors: A. Reynolds & J. Temple. Cambridge Univ Press: Cambridge, U.K.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. & J. Pacas (2019) The relationship between union membership and net fiscal impact. Industrial Relations. 58(1): 86-107.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Davis, E., W. Lee & A. Sojourner (2019) Family-Centered Measures of Access to Early Care & Education. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 47: 472-486.
Working Papers Summaries
- ChildCareAccess.org: maps and reports on families’ child care access in every Minnesota neighborhood.
- Won Lee won University of Minnesota U-Spatial 2019 prize for best use of maps by graduate student.
Budd, J., A. Sojourner & J. Jung (2016) Are Voluntary Agreements Better? Evidence from Baseball Arbitration. ILR Review. 70(4): 865-893
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A., B. Frandsen, R. Town, D. Grabowski & M. Chen (2015) Impacts of Unionization on Quality and Productivity: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Nursing Homes. ILR Review. 68(4): 771-806. [Appendix]
Working Papers Press Mentions
Hart, C. & A. Sojourner (2015) Unionization and Productivity: Evidence from Charter Schools. Industrial Relations. 55(4): 422-448. Working paper version: IZA.
Press Mentions
Goda, G., C. Manchester & A. Sojourner (2014) What Will My Account Really Be Worth? Experimental Evidence on How Retirement Income Projections Affect Saving. Journal of Public Economics. 119: 80-92
- TIAA-CREF Institute Trends & Issues brief [pdf]
- Video and slides from George Washington U. business school - U.S. Federal Reserve Board joint seminar on financial literacy
Sojourner, A., E. Mykerezi, & K. West. (2014) Teacher Pay Reform And Productivity: Panel Data Evidence from Adoptions of Q-Comp in Minnesota. Journal of Human Resources. 49(4): 945-981.
- Mykerezi, Sojourner & West (July 2015) "Reforming Teacher Contracts: A Look at the Impact of Q-Comp on Student Achievement in Minnesota" Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) Reporter. Also a 3-page policy brief.
Duncan G. & A. Sojourner. (2013) Can Intensive Early Childhood Intervention Programs Eliminate Income-based Cognitive and Achievement Gaps? Journal of Human Resources. 48(4): 945-968.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. (2013) Identification of Peer Effects with Missing Peer Data: Evidence from Project STAR. Economic Journal. 123(569): 574-605.
Working Papers Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. (2013) Do Unions Promote Electoral Office-Holding? Evidence from Correlates of State Legislatures' Occupational Shares. Industrial & Labor Relations Review. 66(2).
Working Papers Summaries
Scholars Strategy Network: Unions Foster Middle Class Leadership in American Democracy
Press Mentions
Sojourner, A., D. C. Grabowski, M. Chen & R. J. Town. (2010) Trends in Unionization of Nursing Homes. Inquiry. 47: 331–342.
Press Mentions