Popular Writing

Briefing Book: Talking Shop: The Way Forward on Child Care (with K. Rinz & C. Gibbs)

Milken Review, A Promise Not Kept: Early Childhood Education and Development

Brookings Institution, Is the economic news becoming more negative, and does it matter to consumers? (with B. Harris)
Press Mentions
Brookings Institution. Why are Americans so displeased with the economy? (with B. Harris). Code.
Press Mentions
Briefing Book. How Can We Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce? (with G. S. Goda)

Econofact, Is Black Employment Catching Up with White Employment? (with V. Wilson)

Chair, Employment and Work Arrangements Content Panel advising the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 2026, Report (with S. Houseman, C. Muller, L. Cameron, M. Handel, E. Kelly, J. Kemp, K. Kosanovich, D. Kreisman, A. Mas, A. Mueller, D. Pedulla, C. Robertson, W. Rodgers, D. Schneider, J. Smith)

Brookings Institution. The CHIPS and Science Act is a change for business and local leaders to collaborate on a stronger child care system (with T. Bartik & K. Bolter)

RAPID. Young children, families, and our economy gain when we invest in early childhood

Duluth News Tribune, Solve Shortage of Investments in Youngest Minnesotans

Minnesota Reformer. Franchise owners are colluding to suppress Minnesota workers’ wages: The Legislature can put a stop to it (with E. Starr)

Upjohn Institute, Child Care for CHIPS: Will tying semiconductor incentives to child care help build the system we need? (with Tim Bartik and Kathleen Bolter).

Roosevelt Institute, Protecting High-Risk Individuals Means Considering the Economic Cost of COVID-19 (with J. Raifman)
Press Mentions
Brookings Brown Center Chalkboard. Fixing child care: What expanded public subsidies could mean for children, families, and teachers (with J. Borowsky, J. Brown, E. Davis, C. Gibbs, C. Herbst, A. Sojourner, E. Tekin, & M. Wiswall)

Economic Policy Institute, The Unequal Toll of COVID-19 on Workers (with J. Raifman & A. Skinner)
Press Mentions
Roosevelt Institute, The Labor Leverage Ratio: A New Measure that Signals a Worker-Driven Recovery (with E. DiVito)
Press Mentions
Roosevelt Institute, Employer Power and Employee Skills: Recommendations for Workforce Training Practitioners and Funders (with Suzanne Kahn)

LERA Perspectives, Increasing federal investments in early childhood care and education

Washington Post, What Happens When States Limit Nondisclosure Agreements? Employees Start to Dish (with J. Sockin and E. Starr)

Roosevelt Institute, July's Jobs Report: Strong Numbers Across the Economy But a Full Recovery Will Take Continued Support (with M. Konczal)

Brookings, Examining the uneven and hard-to-predict labor market recovery (with Lauren Bauer, Arin Dube, & Wendy Edelberg)

The Guardian, Americans are more pro-union -- and anti-big business -- than at any time in decades (with Emily DiVito)
Press Mentions
Hamilton Project, Increasing Federal Investment in Children's Early Care and Education to Raise Quality, Access, and Affordability (with Liz Davis)
Press Mentions
Transforming the Financing of Early Care and Education in Minnesota (2021)

Econofact, What is at stake if unions wield greater clout? (with J. Budd & B. Frandsen)
Econofact, COVID Symptom Screening at the Workplace (with Krista Ruffini and Abigail Wozniak)

Nonprofit Quarterly, Designing Workforce Programs with Worker Power in Mind (with S. Kahn & S. Naidu)

Roosevelt Institute, Employer Power and Employee Skills: Understanding Workforce Training Programs in the Context of Labor Market Power (with Suresh Naidu)
   Press Mentions
Goldsmith-Pinkham, P., E. Pancotti, & A. Sojourner. Predicting Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims Using Google Trends
Working Papers   Summaries   Press Mentions
Casey Family Programs. Are there parallels between hiring and child protection processes that can help reduce bias and narrow child welfare’s front door?. Aug. 19, 2020.  

childcareaccess.org: a resource for Minnesota's local communities to understand their families' access to child care services in terms of quantities, cost, and quality in across neighborhoods and in comparison to other communities.

Center for American Progress: The Coronavirus Will Make Child Care Deserts Worse and Exacerbate Inequality
childcaredeserts.org: interactive map illustrating families' child care access in every U.S. community
   Press Mentions
CLASP & NWLC: Child Care is Key to Our Economic Recovery
  • Brief and Technical Appendix
   Press Mentions
USA Today: We will have a devastating recession economy until there's widespread coronavirus testing

Econofact: The Role of Unions (with B. Frandsen)

Analysis for D.C. Office of the Attorney General: Economic Analysis of Incentives to Fraudulently Misclassify Employees in District of Columbia Construction
Summaries   Press Mentions
Econofact: The Mexican Border and U.S. Trade: What Would be the Impact of a Border Closure?

The Hill: If there are right-to-work laws, there must be right-to-invest laws

The Hill: We ask the most of families when they have the least

Health Affairs Blog: Medicaid Expansion Reduced Unpaid Medical Debt and Increased Financial Satisfaction Related files: NFCS 2015 State Tracking Data File Info 160619
Press Mentions
Star-Tribune LTE: Here's a way to help with [foster parent] burnout and child development

Star-Tribune: The case for mandating paid sick-leave in Minneapolis

Star-Tribune: Sunday op-ed as part of pro-/con- feature on the minimum wage

Economic Policy Institute's Working Economics: American job seekers think increasing the minimum wage would be good for them

Star-Tribune: Sunday op-ed as part of pro-/con- feature on RTW

Minnesota Physician: The Twin Cities nursing strike: short-term resolution, long-term pressures