Benson, A., A. Sojourner, & A. Umyarov (2020) Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market. Management Science. 66(5):1802-1825
Working Papers Press Mentions
- Minneapolis Fed The Region: In the gig economy, reputation counts
- Workday Minnesota with video: Researchers draw lessons from online labor markets
- IZA Newsroom (Germany): New forms of work and shady employers: How reputation can discipline the "gig economy"
- Picked up by: EU CEDEFOP's Skills Panorama
- Technology Policy Institute: Research Roundup Strikes Back
- Economisch Statistische Berichten (Netherlands): Reputatie als tegengas in de sjeesconomie
- BuzzFeed Tech: American Labor Unions Are Falling Down on Digital Workers
Sockin, J., A. Sojourner & E. Starr. Non-Disclosure Agreements and Externalities from Silence
- Upjohn Institute Policy Brief: How do broad nondisclosure agreements affect labor markets?
- Washington Post: What happens when states limit nondisclosure agreements? Employees start to dish
- U.S. Treasury: The State of Labor Market Competition
- Star Tribune: Schafer: Maybe these NDAs really protect only the bad employers
- Financial Times: The NDA boom is bad for both employers and workers
- Bloomberg Law: Gaming Industry Nondisclosures Become Key Test of #MeToo Laws
- Forbes: Five Years After #MeToo, NDAs Are Still Silencing Victims
- Tacoma-Pierce County (WA) Bar Association: Breaking a Culture of Silence
Washington Post, What Happens When States Limit Nondisclosure Agreements? Employees Start to Dish (with J. Sockin and E. Starr)
Sockin, J. & A. Sojourner (2023) What's the Inside Scoop? Challenges in the Supply and Demand for Information about Job Attributes. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(4)
Working Papers Press Mentions
- Financial Times: The NDA boom is bad for both employers and workers
Chair, Employment and Work Arrangements Content Panel advising the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 2026, Report (with S. Houseman, C. Muller, L. Cameron, M. Handel, E. Kelly, J. Kemp, K. Kosanovich, D. Kreisman, A. Mas, A. Mueller, D. Pedulla, C. Robertson, W. Rodgers, D. Schneider, J. Smith)
Benson, A., A. Sojourner, & A. Umyarov (2020) Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market. Management Science. 66(5):1802-1825
Working Papers Press Mentions
- Minneapolis Fed The Region: In the gig economy, reputation counts
- Workday Minnesota with video: Researchers draw lessons from online labor markets
- IZA Newsroom (Germany): New forms of work and shady employers: How reputation can discipline the "gig economy"
- Picked up by: EU CEDEFOP's Skills Panorama
- Technology Policy Institute: Research Roundup Strikes Back
- Economisch Statistische Berichten (Netherlands): Reputatie als tegengas in de sjeesconomie
- BuzzFeed Tech: American Labor Unions Are Falling Down on Digital Workers
Sockin, J., A. Sojourner & E. Starr. Non-Disclosure Agreements and Externalities from Silence
- Upjohn Institute Policy Brief: How do broad nondisclosure agreements affect labor markets?
- Washington Post: What happens when states limit nondisclosure agreements? Employees start to dish
- U.S. Treasury: The State of Labor Market Competition
- Star Tribune: Schafer: Maybe these NDAs really protect only the bad employers
- Financial Times: The NDA boom is bad for both employers and workers
- Bloomberg Law: Gaming Industry Nondisclosures Become Key Test of #MeToo Laws
- Forbes: Five Years After #MeToo, NDAs Are Still Silencing Victims
- Tacoma-Pierce County (WA) Bar Association: Breaking a Culture of Silence
Washington Post, What Happens When States Limit Nondisclosure Agreements? Employees Start to Dish (with J. Sockin and E. Starr)
Sockin, J. & A. Sojourner (2023) What's the Inside Scoop? Challenges in the Supply and Demand for Information about Job Attributes. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(4)
Working Papers Press Mentions
- Financial Times: The NDA boom is bad for both employers and workers

Aaron Sojourner
Senior Researcher
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Senior Researcher
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research