Simon, D., A. Sojourner, J. Pedersen & H. Ombisa-Skallet. Financial Incentives for Adoption and Kin Guardianship Improve Achievement for Foster Children. Other distributions: NBER, IZA.
- Minn-LInK Research Brief: Adoption, Financial Incentives, and Child Achievement
- Minn-LInK Discussion Guide: Adoption, Financial Incentives, and Child Achievement
- NBER Digest: Financial Incentives Can Increase Permanence for Foster Children
- Public News Service: Researchers link better outcomes to MN adoption reforms
- MinnPost: A look at Minnesota's adoption policy change. Is it working?
Star-Tribune LTE: Here's a way to help with [foster parent] burnout and child development

Aaron Sojourner
Senior Researcher
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Senior Researcher
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research