Press Mentions
- Construction Citizen: AG Racine Releases Report on Payroll Fraud in District Construction Industry
- AG Racine's testimony to U.S. House: Misclassification of Employees: Examining the Costs to Workers, Businesses, and the Economy
Benson, A., A. Sojourner, & A. Umyarov (2020) Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market. Management Science. 66(5):1802-1825
Working Papers Press Mentions
- Minneapolis Fed The Region: In the gig economy, reputation counts
- Workday Minnesota with video: Researchers draw lessons from online labor markets
- IZA Newsroom (Germany): New forms of work and shady employers: How reputation can discipline the "gig economy"
- Picked up by: EU CEDEFOP's Skills Panorama
- Technology Policy Institute: Research Roundup Strikes Back
- Economisch Statistische Berichten (Netherlands): Reputatie als tegengas in de sjeesconomie
- BuzzFeed Tech: American Labor Unions Are Falling Down on Digital Workers
Economic Policy Institute's Working Economics: American job seekers think increasing the minimum wage would be good for them
Pickens, J. and A. Sojourner (2022) Effects of Access-to-Hours and Just Cause Regulations on Labor Market Outcomes
Sojourner, A. & J. Yang (2022) Effects of Union Certification on Workplace-Safety Enforcement: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence. ILR Review. 75(2): 373-401.
Working Papers
- IZA Discussion Paper 9610
- Data: NLRB Elections 1962-2009 consolidating Thomas Holmes & Henry Farber data. OSHA inspections from U.S. Department of Labor.
- The Conversation: Unionized workers are more likely to assert their right to a safe and healthy workplace
- Also published in: Houston Chronicle
Qui, Y., A. Sojourner, & P. Volpin (2024) M&A and Workplace Safety: Evidence from Mines
Star-Tribune: Sunday op-ed as part of pro-/con- feature on RTW
Star-Tribune: Sunday op-ed as part of pro-/con- feature on the minimum wage
Star-Tribune: The case for mandating paid sick-leave in Minneapolis
The Hill: If there are right-to-work laws, there must be right-to-invest laws
Marinescu. I., Y. Qiu, & A. Sojourner. Wage Inequality and Labor Rights Violations
Press Mentions
Ruffini, K., A. Sojourner & A. Wozniak (2021) Who's in and who's out under workplace COVID symptom screening? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Working Papers Summaries
- Econofact: COVID Symptom Screening at the Workplace
- The Hill: Employers have critical role to prevent second wave
- Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank: How well do workplace COVID-19 screens work? And do they discriminate?
- Tradeoffs podcast: The perils of self-reported COVID screening
Aaron Sojourner
Senior Researcher
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Senior Researcher
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research