Goda, G. M. Levy, C. F. Manchester, A. Sojourner, J. Tasoff, & J. Xiao (2023) Are retirement planning tools substitutes or complements to financial capability? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 214: 561-573  
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Goda, G., M. Levy, C. Manchester, A. Sojourner, & J. Tasoff (2019) Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias. Economic Inquiry. 57(3): 1636-1658.
Working Papers   Summaries
   Press Mentions
Goda, G., C. Manchester & A. Sojourner (2014) What Will My Account Really Be Worth? Experimental Evidence on How Retirement Income Projections Affect Saving. Journal of Public Economics119: 80-92
  • TIAA-CREF Institute Trends & Issues brief [pdf]
  • Video and slides from George Washington U. business school - U.S. Federal Reserve Board joint seminar on financial literacy
   Press Mentions
Goda, G., M. Levy, C. Manchester, A. Sojourner, & J. Tasoff (2020) Who Is a Passive Saver Under Opt-In and Auto-EnrollmentJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 173: 301-321.
Working Papers   Summaries
   Press Mentions