The Guardian, Americans are more pro-union -- and anti-big business -- than at any time in decades (with Emily DiVito)
Press Mentions
Budd, J., A. Sojourner & J. Jung (2016) Are Voluntary Agreements Better? Evidence from Baseball Arbitration. ILR Review. 70(4): 865-893  
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Nonprofit Quarterly, Designing Workforce Programs with Worker Power in Mind (with S. Kahn & S. Naidu)

Sojourner, A. (2013) Do Unions Promote Electoral Office-Holding? Evidence from Correlates of State Legislatures' Occupational SharesIndustrial & Labor Relations Review. 66(2).
Working Papers   Summaries   Press Mentions
Sojourner, A. & J. Yang (2022) Effects of Union Certification on Workplace-Safety Enforcement: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence. ILR Review.  75(2): 373-401.
Working Papers   Summaries   Press Mentions
Roosevelt Institute, Employer Power and Employee Skills: Understanding Workforce Training Programs in the Context of Labor Market Power (with Suresh Naidu)
   Press Mentions
Roosevelt Institute, Employer Power and Employee Skills: Recommendations for Workforce Training Practitioners and Funders (with Suzanne Kahn)

Laverde, M., E. Mykerezi, A. Sojourner & A. Sood. Gains from Reassignment: Evidence from a Two-Sided Teacher Market. [SSRN]

Sojourner, A., B. Frandsen, R. Town, D. Grabowski & M. Chen (2015) Impacts of Unionization on Quality and Productivity: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Nursing Homes. ILR Review. 68(4): 771-806. [Appendix]  
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Qiu, Y. & A. Sojourner (2023) Labor-Market Concentration and Labor CompensationILR Review. 76(3): 475–503. Replication package & concentration measures available here.
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Qui, Y., A. Sojourner, & P. Volpin (2024) M&A and Workplace Safety: Evidence from Mines

Minnesota Physician: The Twin Cities nursing strike: short-term resolution, long-term pressures

Star-Tribune: Sunday op-ed as part of pro-/con- feature on RTW

Sojourner, A., E. Mykerezi, & K. West. (2014) Teacher Pay Reform And Productivity: Panel Data Evidence from Adoptions of Q-Comp in Minnesota.  Journal of Human Resources. 49(4): 945-981.
   Press Mentions
The Hill: If there are right-to-work laws, there must be right-to-invest laws