The Guardian, Americans are more pro-union -- and anti-big business -- than at any time in decades (with Emily DiVito)
Press Mentions
Borowsky, J., J. Brown, E. Davis, C. Gibbs, C. Herbst, A. Sojourner, E. Tekin, & M. Wiswall. An Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Increased Public Investment in Early Childhood Education
Summaries   Press Mentions
Analysis for D.C. Office of the Attorney General: Economic Analysis of Incentives to Fraudulently Misclassify Employees in District of Columbia Construction
Summaries   Press Mentions
Budd, J., A. Sojourner & J. Jung (2016) Are Voluntary Agreements Better? Evidence from Baseball Arbitration. ILR Review. 70(4): 865-893  
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Chair, Employment and Work Arrangements Content Panel advising the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 2026, Report (with S. Houseman, C. Muller, L. Cameron, M. Handel, E. Kelly, J. Kemp, K. Kosanovich, D. Kreisman, A. Mas, A. Mueller, D. Pedulla, C. Robertson, W. Rodgers, D. Schneider, J. Smith)

Benson, A., A. Sojourner, & A. Umyarov (2020) Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor MarketManagement Science. 66(5):1802-1825
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Econofact, COVID Symptom Screening at the Workplace (with Krista Ruffini and Abigail Wozniak)

Nonprofit Quarterly, Designing Workforce Programs with Worker Power in Mind (with S. Kahn & S. Naidu)

Econofact: The Mexican Border and U.S. Trade: What Would be the Impact of a Border Closure?

Economic Policy Institute's Working Economics: American job seekers think increasing the minimum wage would be good for them

Pickens, J. and A. Sojourner (2022) Effects of Access-to-Hours and Just Cause Regulations on Labor Market Outcomes

Roosevelt Institute, Employer Power and Employee Skills: Understanding Workforce Training Programs in the Context of Labor Market Power (with Suresh Naidu)
   Press Mentions
Roosevelt Institute, Employer Power and Employee Skills: Recommendations for Workforce Training Practitioners and Funders (with Suzanne Kahn)

Brookings, Examining the uneven and hard-to-predict labor market recovery (with Lauren Bauer, Arin Dube, & Wendy Edelberg)

Larson, R., S. Shannon, A. Sojourner & C. Uggen (2021) Felony History and Change in U.S. Employment Rates. Social Science Research.  
Press Mentions