Milken Review, A Promise Not Kept: Early Childhood Education and Development

Borowsky, J., J. Brown, E. Davis, C. Gibbs, C. Herbst, A. Sojourner, E. Tekin, & M. Wiswall. An Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Increased Public Investment in Early Childhood Education
Summaries   Press Mentions
Casey Family Programs. Are there parallels between hiring and child protection processes that can help reduce bias and narrow child welfare’s front door?. Aug. 19, 2020.  

Duncan G. & A. Sojourner. (2013) Can Intensive Early Childhood Intervention Programs Eliminate Income-based Cognitive and Achievement Gaps? Journal of Human Resources. 48(4): 945-968.
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Upjohn Institute, Child Care for CHIPS: Will tying semiconductor incentives to child care help build the system we need? (with Tim Bartik and Kathleen Bolter).

CLASP & NWLC: Child Care is Key to Our Economic Recovery
  • Brief and Technical Appendix
   Press Mentions
Chaparro, J., A. Sojourner & N. Huey (2019) Differential effects from access to high-quality early care. In Sustaining Early Childhood Learning Gains. Editors: A. Reynolds & J. Temple. Cambridge Univ Press: Cambridge, U.K.  
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Chaparro, J., A. Sojourner, & M. Wiswall, Early Childhood Care and Cognitive Development
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Lee, W. F., A. Sojourner, E. Davis, & J. Borowsky (forthcoming) Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets. Journal of Human Capital.  [Upjohn working paper]
Summaries   Press Mentions
Davis, E., W. Lee & A. Sojourner (2019) Family-Centered Measures of Access to Early Care & EducationEarly Childhood Research Quarterly. 47: 472-486.
Working Papers   Summaries
  • maps and reports on families’ child care access in every Minnesota neighborhood.
  • Won Lee won University of Minnesota U-Spatial 2019 prize for best use of maps by graduate student.
   Press Mentions
Gulamhussein, Q. U. A., Susman-Stillman, A., Zhou, X., Addo, A., Ahmed, F., Flynn, P. M., Gunnar, M. R., Okoro, O., Olson D., Osman, M., Riggs, S. M., Sojourner, A., Walker, S. K., & Lee, R. M. (2024). Feasibility Study of a Mobile Health Parenting Intervention Among Somali/Somali Americans From Refugee Families in the United States. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. Special Issue: Racial Health Inequities in BIPOC Communities, 1-30

Simon, D., A. Sojourner, J. Pedersen & H. Ombisa-Skallet. Financial Incentives for Adoption and Kin Guardianship Improve Achievement for Foster Children. Other distributions: NBER, IZA.
Summaries   Press Mentions
Brookings Brown Center Chalkboard. Fixing child care: What expanded public subsidies could mean for children, families, and teachers (with J. Borowsky, J. Brown, E. Davis, C. Gibbs, C. Herbst, A. Sojourner, E. Tekin, & M. Wiswall)

Borowsky, J., E. Davis, and A. Sojourner. How Far Will They Go? Consumer Choice in Subsidized Early Care and Education
Press Mentions
Hamilton Project, Increasing Federal Investment in Children's Early Care and Education to Raise Quality, Access, and Affordability (with Liz Davis)
Press Mentions
Milken Review, A Promise Not Kept: Early Childhood Education and Development

Borowsky, J., J. Brown, E. Davis, C. Gibbs, C. Herbst, A. Sojourner, E. Tekin, & M. Wiswall. An Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Increased Public Investment in Early Childhood Education
Summaries   Press Mentions
Casey Family Programs. Are there parallels between hiring and child protection processes that can help reduce bias and narrow child welfare’s front door?. Aug. 19, 2020.  

Duncan G. & A. Sojourner. (2013) Can Intensive Early Childhood Intervention Programs Eliminate Income-based Cognitive and Achievement Gaps? Journal of Human Resources. 48(4): 945-968.
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Upjohn Institute, Child Care for CHIPS: Will tying semiconductor incentives to child care help build the system we need? (with Tim Bartik and Kathleen Bolter).

CLASP & NWLC: Child Care is Key to Our Economic Recovery
  • Brief and Technical Appendix
   Press Mentions
Chaparro, J., A. Sojourner & N. Huey (2019) Differential effects from access to high-quality early care. In Sustaining Early Childhood Learning Gains. Editors: A. Reynolds & J. Temple. Cambridge Univ Press: Cambridge, U.K.  
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Chaparro, J., A. Sojourner, & M. Wiswall, Early Childhood Care and Cognitive Development
Working Papers   Press Mentions
Lee, W. F., A. Sojourner, E. Davis, & J. Borowsky (forthcoming) Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets. Journal of Human Capital.  [Upjohn working paper]
Summaries   Press Mentions
Davis, E., W. Lee & A. Sojourner (2019) Family-Centered Measures of Access to Early Care & EducationEarly Childhood Research Quarterly. 47: 472-486.
Working Papers   Summaries
  • maps and reports on families’ child care access in every Minnesota neighborhood.
  • Won Lee won University of Minnesota U-Spatial 2019 prize for best use of maps by graduate student.
   Press Mentions
Gulamhussein, Q. U. A., Susman-Stillman, A., Zhou, X., Addo, A., Ahmed, F., Flynn, P. M., Gunnar, M. R., Okoro, O., Olson D., Osman, M., Riggs, S. M., Sojourner, A., Walker, S. K., & Lee, R. M. (2024). Feasibility Study of a Mobile Health Parenting Intervention Among Somali/Somali Americans From Refugee Families in the United States. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. Special Issue: Racial Health Inequities in BIPOC Communities, 1-30

Simon, D., A. Sojourner, J. Pedersen & H. Ombisa-Skallet. Financial Incentives for Adoption and Kin Guardianship Improve Achievement for Foster Children. Other distributions: NBER, IZA.
Summaries   Press Mentions
Brookings Brown Center Chalkboard. Fixing child care: What expanded public subsidies could mean for children, families, and teachers (with J. Borowsky, J. Brown, E. Davis, C. Gibbs, C. Herbst, A. Sojourner, E. Tekin, & M. Wiswall)

Borowsky, J., E. Davis, and A. Sojourner. How Far Will They Go? Consumer Choice in Subsidized Early Care and Education
Press Mentions
Hamilton Project, Increasing Federal Investment in Children's Early Care and Education to Raise Quality, Access, and Affordability (with Liz Davis)
Press Mentions